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pour lundi 15 déc

very très early tôt, en avance morning matin while pendant que still encore sleep dormir back arrière, retour, précédent other autre here ici but mais now maintenant something quelque chose wrong faux fire feu, lumière lie être couché, posé against contre...

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pour vendredi 12 déc

Wednesday 10th December pour parler de ce qu’on oblige à faire/ laisse faire obliger qqu’un à faire qq chose : make someone do something laisser qqu’un faire qqchose : let someone do (base verbale) something Remarques : « someone » est à la fois complément...

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pour vendredi 12 déc

Wednesday 10th December Chapter 3 Less1 They are late Transport : different means of transport (= different possibilities) (by car, by bike, by boat, by bus; by train, by plane, walk) Questions and answers : how can you go from Murviel to Thézan? I can...

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du jeudi 11 déc (2)

sheet and brush turnip hole feet happen thought where gone read word world only true real false at once understood everything another Drap, feuille (de papier) Et Brosser, brosse, pinceau, balai Navet Trou Foot : pied Se passer, arriver, avoir lieu Think...

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du jeudi 11 déc (1)

very early morning while still sleep go back other here but now something wrong fire eye lie lie against wall sick move forward quickly put arm round fell then floor saw that hold Très, vraiment tôt, de bonne heure matin pendant que encore dormir retourner...

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cours du 18 novembre

How old are you ? When were you born ? Is it a pen? Is it a dog? Have you got a pet/ dog/ computer? Do you like pizza? Do you play football? Have you got a pet? Do you like pizza? Do you live in Murviel? I’m à he’s/ she’s We’re à they’re I like à he likes...

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cours du 19 novembre

I love, I like, I don’t like, I hate, I’m crazy about…, … is OK How are you? Goodbye Thank you Sorry Wipe the board! Come to the board! Open the curtains! Close the door! Raise your hand! Write your name on the board! Listen to the teacher! Get up! Stand...

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Food and Drinks L10 (I’m hungry ; I’m thirsty ; ice cream ; orange juice ; a glass ; a bottle; a can ; a brick; an orange ; a banana ; bananas ; chocolate; ham ; pizza; coke ; sausages ; a sausage ; milk ;apples; an apple; strawberries; a strawberry ;...

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